Why Physical Therapy Appointment Consistency is so Important
A very common question asked during an initial evaluation is “how often do I need to come to physical therapy?” The answer varies, but there are a few rules that will help patients get better, faster.
The frequency of physical therapy visits will change depending on what stage of recovery you are in. If you are experiencing high levels of pain or recently had an injury/surgical procedure, the beginning of your physical therapy program may need to focus on improving your pain, protecting the injury, and/or managing swelling.
“Your range of motion and control are factors that are also best treated with increased frequency.”
A physical therapist has many tools and skills at their disposal to help reduce your pain and move better in this early stage. Treatment that targets pain, comfort, and restoring normal movement is often better delivered with increased frequency. During this time, consistency is paramount. Attending visits and performing your home management program will help your therapist make alterations to your plan at a fast rate based on your symptoms progression. Consistency will also reduce your need for medication when the physical therapy is helping your symptoms.
A patient with less pain or inflammation may be able to move into mobility work and coordination exercises. Your range of motion and control are factors that are also best treated with increased frequency. If your physical therapist is able to help you increase range of motion with hands on techniques, the carryover and maintenance of these improvements may be better with increased frequency of visits. It is often challenging to progress to the necessary strength training or loading of painful movements when range of motion is limited. Consistency is very important during this phase of rehabilitation as it will also contribute to maintaining good form and control during your exercises.
Once these aforementioned goals are achieved or well on their way, the main focus of physical therapy is usually strengthening to improve current function and reduce risk for future pain and/or injury. This is the first phase where frequency of care can decrease, but consistency is arguably more important than ever. The goal is for pain levels to be reduced or at least present in a predictable way so that we can skillfully prescribe exercise while considering your symptoms and injury.
By this point in your care, your physical therapist should have done a phenomenal job of teaching you what you should be doing. You may be able to do some, if not all of this work, on your own based on the rate of progression. Some patients need more supervision and cuing while others, such as high-level athletes, may be able to weave these strength and loading concepts into their current training programs with less frequent checkups with their physical therapist. In either situation, consistent execution of treatment and strengthening is what allows for long term progression.
Consistency in Physical Therapy Leads to Positive Outcomes
Positive changes in muscle fibers from strength training begin just 6-8 weeks after beginning your program! You may be pain free before this point, but continuing to strengthen well into this time frame and beyond will be what carries over in the long term.
The length of each of these phases is different for every diagnosis, condition, and specific patient. You may be surprised that with superb consistency, your ability to complete these goals and finish your formal physical therapy care will happen at a faster rate.
Receive an Evaluation
At Summit Physical Therapy we make getting the care you need easy. Start by requesting an appointment for an evaluation. One of our licensed physical therapists will meet with you to discuss the best options for your care and your situation. Request and Appointment now or call us at 908-598-9009. No referral is needed!