Concussion Management


Experiencing concussion symptoms can be scary. While most concussions are healed through rest, patients can quickly return to their normal level of function.

However, many cases require cardiovascular, balance, and neck rehab for patients to return to their full capacity. Summit Physical Therapy helps youth athletes and adults safely return from a concussion so you can learn, work, and play again.

Concussion management, regardless of age, focuses on managing symptoms and taking part in an active rehabilitation. After evaluation by a medical professional, a plan that includes active rest and activity modification will be set in order to make sure there are no setbacks. A common misconception with a concussion is that you should fully rest with no activity. The best way to initiate activity is to consult a physical therapist and have a proper assessment to gauge where you are. Once therapy begins, we carefully monitor gradual exercise and physical activity to help maximize recovery.


  • Headache

  • Difficulty focusing

  • Ringing in the ears

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Drowsiness

  • Blurry vision

  • Dizziness

Summit Physical Therapy supports local sports teams and coaches regarding concussion management, how to reduce the chance of concussion, and how to care for athletes who may have been involved with a collision or impact. Request an appointment with our COC certified physical therapist.


Concussion Managed. Rehabilitation Maximized.

New discoveries in the management of concussions have shown that an active rehabilitation can improve recovery and quality of life during recovery. The management of related neck pain and dysfunction is also crucial to a full recovery. Ask for more information on how we can help you to return from your concussion.


We make it easy to receive the care that you need.


Trouble-free location easily accessible from home or work.

Convenient hours morning to night on weekdays and Saturdays too!




No Referral Needed

Direct access creates fewer steps between your pain and receiving the care that you need. Studies have shown that those who sought direct access from a physical therapist, rather than visiting your primary care doctor, found greater satisfaction and used significantly fewer pharmaceuticals than in the care of their physician. At your first visit, you’ll gain direct access to a physical therapist, speeding up the time between your first contact with a medical professional, and your return to improved health. During your first visit, an injury screening is offered to ensure you receive the best recommendation for your care.


 Request an Appointment

Call 908-598-9009 to request an appointment or click below.
