How to Improve Your Turnout in Dance Without Pain


Spoiler Alert: The Answer Is Not Stretching!

As a dancer, achieving optimal turnout not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of dance but also plays a crucial role in preventing injuries due to poor technique. In this article, we'll look into the specifics of a proper turnout and explore effective techniques to improve it.   

Understanding Turnout

The end goal of Turnout is to stand with your feet forming a straight line with the toes pointing to the sides. This is a fundamental component of various dance forms such as ballet, jazz, and modern dance, achieving and maintaining turnout is a crucial skill to achieve with flawless form.  When measuring turnout, it is important to understand how it can be achieved. With proper execution, turnout should come from the hip joints’ ability to turn outwards.

If the hips are unable to rotate properly, turnout will come from your lower leg by rotating at the knee in a direction it is not designed to be stressed. In many cases, dancers may lack the strength and mobility to achieve good turnout with just the hips, and use excessive rotation of their lower leg to “cheat.” This can lead to discomfort and even injury in the back, hips, and lower legs.

Turnout can be measured by a skilled physical therapist, and specifically help you figure out if your turnout is true, or if you are cheating at the knee.

Tips for Improving Turnout


Though not as common as weakness in dancers, hip mobility into rotation may be limited and needs to be addressed as well. Mobility of the hip flexors and rotators can be improved with both stretches and active mobility exercises. If stretching is not doing the trick, check out the tips below. If stretching is painful, consider speaking with a physical therapist to avoid further injury. 


Strengthening, specifically of the hip external rotators is essential to improving turnout. Exercises such as resisted clamshells, standing hip external rotation, and single-leg rotational exercises can help build the musculature to safely increase your ability to achieve and maintain a greater range of motion.


In addition to hip strengthening, your core musculature can help you stabilize as you work to externally rotate your hip. These core exercises should go beyond just crunches, focusing on your obliques and deep core musculature. Bonus points if you can combine them with your hip strengthening exercises to stop the pelvis from turning while your hip moves!

We understand the unique demands that dancers face, and we're here to guide you on your journey to achieving and maintaining proper turnout. Whether you're a seasoned performer or a budding artist, our dance physical therapy experts are dedicated to helping you dance your way to optimal health and expression. 

To learn more about your turnout and how you can improve it, or if you are experiencing any discomfort related to your turnout, reach out and request an appointment to get started. You can also call our office at 908-589-9009 and our team will help schedule your appointment.